How If You Have Depression Avoid These 3 FoodsTell If You Have Depression

According to statistics, half of the US population will experience some sort of mental disorder in their life. The question arises, why is depression so prevalent in today's society. Shockingly, the answer may be in what we're eating.

Science has finally begun accepting theory of the mind/body connection. This idea that what happens within the body does affect the mind or brain. Even though there exists a blood/brain barrier, what you consume does affect the mind in sometimes extreme ways. In this article we are going to look at three of the biggest offenders.
Top 3 Foods To Avoid If You Have Depression:
  1. Sugar. Yes the much maligned sweet stuff causes symptoms of depression. There are a number of reasons sugar is bad for the brain. Number one is the insulin levels. The brain consumes huge amounts of sugar in order to function properly. Eating processed, refined sugar causes wild swings in insulin levels which lead to low blood sugar which throws the brain into starvation mode. This starvation mode leads to anxiety which is the precursor to depression.
  2. Glutens. Glutens are big gelatinous proteins which exist in nearly all grains, especially wheat. Glutens are a problem for depression because they are extremely difficult to digest for many people. Today's grains have more gluten then ever in history. This high level of gluten builds up in the blood stream and can have a detrimental effect on brain cells. Glutens act as an excitotoxin. An excitotoxin rampages brain cells and kills them from over activity. If you have depression, you definitely want to steer clear of glutens.
  3. Dairy products. Dairy can exacerbate problems with depression. The reason is, dairy products are loaded with hormones. These are some of the same hormones that cause the wild mood swings of PMS. Furthermore, dairy products like cheese have a dopamine like affect causing other mood problems and depression.
With our modern diets loaded with refined sugar, glutens, and dairy products, is it any wonder depression is on the rise. If you suffer from anxiety and depression, these are the foods you have to avoid.

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Ryan Camana MNLP, MHt, MTT, BA is one of the worlds foremost experts on bullet fast personal development. With his extensive knowledge in hypnosis, NLP, TIME Techniques and his own proprietary healing techniques Ryan guides people all over the world to overcome the issues that have held them back from living to their full potential.
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