12 Simple Ways to Be Happy in Life

Happiness is one of the most sought-after goals in life. Of course, all of us want to be happy and there are many ways to be happy in life - whatever we have, wherever we are and in whatever things we do. Sometimes we tend to be chasing some material things because we think that can make us happy. But as always said, happiness is a choice. It is how we see things.
I personally was surprised that simple things such as these can make us happy. We often thought happiness is difficult to achieve because we think happiness is some job promotion, or a game show prize or a brand new car. Indeed, there are simple ways to be happy in life and we tend to forget them.
(1)  Be Thankful. Count your blessings. Focus on what you have achieved. Instead of thinking what you want to have in life, make a list or even a mental list of what you already have and be thankful for it. Being appreciative of the blessing you have will tend to attract more of it.
(2) Share. Sharing indeed can make a big difference. You can give somebody a little joy by sharing your abilities and what you have and you will feel that happiness in you. Indeed, the joy of giving is one of the good ways to be happy.
(3) Stay healthy. It can be difficult to be happy with a sickly body. Having problems with your health can also be the cause of many worries in life. So take care of yourself, take care of your body, eat healthy and enjoy a good health.
(4) Get out of debt. Manage your finances. Do not spend more than you can afford.
(5) Know how to deal with stress. Stress has been a major part of our lives these days. From a demanding work to stress with family problems - they are all around. But as mentioned, happiness is a choice. Do not let stress overrule your life. Find creative ways to relieve stress. Practice meditation. Practice deep relaxation.
(6) Make healthy relationships. Good friendships, healthy marriage and great family are good ways to attain happiness in life. Not everything may be perfect but you can always do something about it. Remember, happiness is a choice.
(7) Help others. Volunteer to help others with their needs. This way you get to realize that there are more people who need your attention than being too focused on your selfish goals in life.
(8) Exercise. It does not only keep you active but it can also boost your body's natural mood enhancers.
(9) Enjoy simple things. Happiness sometimes comes from simple things in life, like having a good time with your pet dog, a flower blooming in your garden or the joys of cooking your favorite recipe.
(10) Do what you enjoy. If your passion is writing, spend some time writing. If you love swimming or you enjoy teaching the children, find ways to enjoy your passion.
(11) Enjoy good music. Play your favorite musical instrument or enjoy a good dance.
(12) Enjoy the pleasures of walking. Smell the fresh scent of the air, take time to enjoy the beauty of flowers or enjoy the rising of the sun while having your morning walk.
Indeed, these are simple ways to be happy in life. If you are one of the many people who think happiness is so elusive, think again.
Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author who strives, even in her own little ways, to live a happy and fulfilling life. Check out this resource to learn more about living a balanced and healthy life. Also check out the resource on How to Manifest a Miracle, where you can find useful techniques in manifesting your desires in real life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Anderson

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