Depression and Intelligence

Sometimes managing depression can be a difficult task, and it's easy for someone battling depression to let their fears get the best of them. This is an illness that can cause someone to feel very alone, and beating it is not nearly as simple as some people may think. For years there have been a lot of speculation about the correlation depression has to intelligence. There are several books on depression and extensive research studies performed on this topic. In this article I will discuss more in-depth information I have found related to this study.

Based on the information I have gathered it is more a correlation between depression and creativity than it is between intelligence and depression. Creative people have a heightened emotional connection to the people and things that surround them, some of the greatest works were created in the midst of deep emotional turmoil. Research has proven that creative people are at a higher risk for depression because of their elevated emotional abilities, there are books on depression that explain this more elaborately.

Some researchers believe that depression and emotional maturity are linked. As individuals who have the ability to confront emotional issues with knowledge and maturity are less likely to become depressed. For a long time depression was known as melancholia, and it is the most well-known psychiatric disorder that goes back to the beginning of psychiatry. Learning how to battle depression will be essential to understanding it including medication, exercise, and counseling if necessary. There are books on depression that can aid you throughout this process, you just have to keep an open mind.
Often times statistical data is used to carry out this research which makes the findings more reliable, the larger the sample the more accurate the results will be. Intelligent individuals have a more complex mind so their focuses are more intense, and more inclined to become overwhelmed. There are many treatment options for depression and in most cases these treatments require a minimum of six months. Depending on the severity of your condition medication may or may not be needed, but most of the time these medications are not addictive.

In my opinion there is definitely a link between depression and intelligence, however being intelligent doesn't guarantee that you will suffer from depression. I am extremely creative and with this gift there comes great blessings, but it definitely comes at cost. It is important to stay grounded in the things that matter most to you, it will make all the difference. The more you understand this illness, the greater the chance you have at fighting it. One of the best books on depression I have ever read was an E-Book, and I continue to use it as a reference.
If you would like to learn more about self help for depression and anxiety. Please visit Minnisha's website that has more detailed information about bestselling books on depression.
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