How to Be Happy, Have Fun and Enjoy Life

Can you really be happy and have fun all the time? Well, since nothing in life is perfect and nothing is 100%, the answer would be no. However, you can be happy most of the time and enjoy your life each and every day. There's really no big secret to it and I'll share with you a few simple tips on how to accomplish it.

Being happy is conducive to being healthy emotionally and physically. It helps you deal with the stresses of life; you become optimistic, confident, and resilient. Others will see this in you, and when you share your joy and positive attitude with them, you may just lighten their burdens and help them become more positive as well.

The most important thing to be happy and have fun most of the time is to believe that life is wonderful, and you are here to enjoy it to the fullest. Whatever you believe is true for you, and your beliefs help create reality. Yes, you will experience some down moments in life but if you have that positive attitude, those moments will be few and far between, and when they do come you will know just what to do to become happy again as quickly as possible.

Following are a few tips to help you enjoy your life the way it's meant to be.
When you wake up every morning tell yourself that you will enjoy the day no matter what. Expect good things to happen throughout the day.
Have an attitude of gratitude. Just look for things to be grateful and thankful for and you will find plenty. The bus driver that brings you safely to work, the delicious lunch you have with your friends, the mailman that delivers your mail, the beautiful flowers in your garden, and even the stranger that smiles at you in the grocery store.

Avoid the news. Yes, you read that right. The news is notorious for bringing up negative things that can add stress to your life: wars, disasters, crimes, diseases, bad economy, you name it. You don't need to feed yourself with those. Only watch, listen to, and read stuff that makes you happy, laugh, calm, or energetic. If something is important enough for you to know, it will be brought to your attention one way or another.

Be kind and helpful to others in every way possible. Open the door for someone behind you; pick up an empty can or bottle from the ground and put it in the trash can; be that stranger that smiles at others to brighten their day. When you do these simple things you will automatically feel good and be happy.

Release your inhibitions. As long as you're not breaking the law, don't be afraid to be yourself, act silly, or do things that give you a rush. Laugh out loud or giggle like a little girl; walk in the rain with no umbrella or raincoat and get yourself soaking wet; take a walk around the neighborhood in your bare feet; jump into a puddle of water; take a midnight swim. You need to use common sense but don't worry about what others think of you.

Be a spiritual person. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to be religious. Just take the time to find inner peace by praying, meditating, chanting or whatever else works for you. This will increase your level of happiness.

At the end of the day right before you go to sleep, reflect on everything you did and received throughout the day that brought you joy, and give thanks (to God or the universe) for having experienced it.

One last thing, and this may sound contradictory but it's not. Don't be afraid to cry when you need to. Yes, this goes for men too. Crying is not a sign of weakness but a way to release all the negative energy from within you so you can quickly bring happiness back in.
As you can see, it's simple and easy to be happy and have fun most of the time. Just decide today that you are going to enjoy your life and you will see the magic unfold.

Have a wonderful day!

Tanya Robbins is the Chief Editor of Mysteries and Mystics where you can find interesting articles and resources on astrology, fortune teller, ghost tours, and more. She also writes regularly for Cool Info Lounge where you can find cool and valuable information at your fingertips.
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12 Simple Ways to Be Happy in Life

Happiness is one of the most sought-after goals in life. Of course, all of us want to be happy and there are many ways to be happy in life - whatever we have, wherever we are and in whatever things we do. Sometimes we tend to be chasing some material things because we think that can make us happy. But as always said, happiness is a choice. It is how we see things.
I personally was surprised that simple things such as these can make us happy. We often thought happiness is difficult to achieve because we think happiness is some job promotion, or a game show prize or a brand new car. Indeed, there are simple ways to be happy in life and we tend to forget them.
(1)  Be Thankful. Count your blessings. Focus on what you have achieved. Instead of thinking what you want to have in life, make a list or even a mental list of what you already have and be thankful for it. Being appreciative of the blessing you have will tend to attract more of it.
(2) Share. Sharing indeed can make a big difference. You can give somebody a little joy by sharing your abilities and what you have and you will feel that happiness in you. Indeed, the joy of giving is one of the good ways to be happy.
(3) Stay healthy. It can be difficult to be happy with a sickly body. Having problems with your health can also be the cause of many worries in life. So take care of yourself, take care of your body, eat healthy and enjoy a good health.
(4) Get out of debt. Manage your finances. Do not spend more than you can afford.
(5) Know how to deal with stress. Stress has been a major part of our lives these days. From a demanding work to stress with family problems - they are all around. But as mentioned, happiness is a choice. Do not let stress overrule your life. Find creative ways to relieve stress. Practice meditation. Practice deep relaxation.
(6) Make healthy relationships. Good friendships, healthy marriage and great family are good ways to attain happiness in life. Not everything may be perfect but you can always do something about it. Remember, happiness is a choice.
(7) Help others. Volunteer to help others with their needs. This way you get to realize that there are more people who need your attention than being too focused on your selfish goals in life.
(8) Exercise. It does not only keep you active but it can also boost your body's natural mood enhancers.
(9) Enjoy simple things. Happiness sometimes comes from simple things in life, like having a good time with your pet dog, a flower blooming in your garden or the joys of cooking your favorite recipe.
(10) Do what you enjoy. If your passion is writing, spend some time writing. If you love swimming or you enjoy teaching the children, find ways to enjoy your passion.
(11) Enjoy good music. Play your favorite musical instrument or enjoy a good dance.
(12) Enjoy the pleasures of walking. Smell the fresh scent of the air, take time to enjoy the beauty of flowers or enjoy the rising of the sun while having your morning walk.
Indeed, these are simple ways to be happy in life. If you are one of the many people who think happiness is so elusive, think again.
Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author who strives, even in her own little ways, to live a happy and fulfilling life. Check out this resource to learn more about living a balanced and healthy life. Also check out the resource on How to Manifest a Miracle, where you can find useful techniques in manifesting your desires in real life.
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How If You Have Depression Avoid These 3 FoodsTell If You Have Depression

According to statistics, half of the US population will experience some sort of mental disorder in their life. The question arises, why is depression so prevalent in today's society. Shockingly, the answer may be in what we're eating.

Science has finally begun accepting theory of the mind/body connection. This idea that what happens within the body does affect the mind or brain. Even though there exists a blood/brain barrier, what you consume does affect the mind in sometimes extreme ways. In this article we are going to look at three of the biggest offenders.
Top 3 Foods To Avoid If You Have Depression:
  1. Sugar. Yes the much maligned sweet stuff causes symptoms of depression. There are a number of reasons sugar is bad for the brain. Number one is the insulin levels. The brain consumes huge amounts of sugar in order to function properly. Eating processed, refined sugar causes wild swings in insulin levels which lead to low blood sugar which throws the brain into starvation mode. This starvation mode leads to anxiety which is the precursor to depression.
  2. Glutens. Glutens are big gelatinous proteins which exist in nearly all grains, especially wheat. Glutens are a problem for depression because they are extremely difficult to digest for many people. Today's grains have more gluten then ever in history. This high level of gluten builds up in the blood stream and can have a detrimental effect on brain cells. Glutens act as an excitotoxin. An excitotoxin rampages brain cells and kills them from over activity. If you have depression, you definitely want to steer clear of glutens.
  3. Dairy products. Dairy can exacerbate problems with depression. The reason is, dairy products are loaded with hormones. These are some of the same hormones that cause the wild mood swings of PMS. Furthermore, dairy products like cheese have a dopamine like affect causing other mood problems and depression.
With our modern diets loaded with refined sugar, glutens, and dairy products, is it any wonder depression is on the rise. If you suffer from anxiety and depression, these are the foods you have to avoid.

This technique is powerful but its not enough. There are still more depression destroying techniques you need to acquire in order to move from fear to success in your life. To discover how to find permanent relief from symptoms of depression in just minutes from now...
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Ryan Camana MNLP, MHt, MTT, BA is one of the worlds foremost experts on bullet fast personal development. With his extensive knowledge in hypnosis, NLP, TIME Techniques and his own proprietary healing techniques Ryan guides people all over the world to overcome the issues that have held them back from living to their full potential.
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I Have Depression! - Simple Natural Treatment Options for the Condition

Are you suffering from depression? If your answer to the question is yes I have depression, then you must be worried on the next step that you should take. Before you determine your next move, it would be important to be sure that what you have is really depression.
Depression is a mental disorder. Patients suffering from this condition have imbalanced brain chemicals and also show abnormal brain functionality.

There are four types of depression.

Major depression- A patient with major depression may experience; low moods, loss of interest in activities that he used to enjoy, low levels of energy, loss of appetite, restlessness, difficulty in making decision and concentrating, guilt, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts among other feelings.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)- patients with this type of depression experience milder symptoms as compared to those with major depression. In most circumstances, the condition may arise from chance in seasons for example experiencing longer nights during winter.
Post Partum Depression- This condition affects mothers and it is common some times after giving birth. The patient experiences the common symptoms of depression. However this condition last for a short time and then it goes away.

Dysthymia- Symptoms of dysthimia are similar to those of major depression. However, the symptoms will become milder with time. This condition may last for up to 2 years.
If you are saying that "I have depression" you may want to know what triggered the condition. Depression may be triggered by an illness, change in season as well as external factor such as divorce or grief.

When you realize that you are suffering from depression, it is best if you seek medical help immediately. There are many medications available for depression patients. However, it is important to note that most of the medicines available may leave you with severe side effects. For this reason, many people may choose to seek natural treatments for this condition.

Simple natural treatments for depression

The first way to deal with depression is through improved nutrition. This treatment option not only will it improve your physical health but will also boost both emotional and mental health.
The treatment involves modification of the diet which includes amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Amino acids play a vital role in neurotransmission. If depression was resulting from deficiency of minerals and vitamins, supplementing your meals with these nutrients will relieve such depression symptoms.

St John's wort is an herb that is popular in dealing with depression. This herb has many active ingredients such as; xanthones, phloroglucinols, naphthodianthrones, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids. This herb has been found to be very effective in the treatment of depression in its moderate and mild stages.

Ginkgo extract is also very effective in treating depression. It is mostly used to certain types of depression that are resistant to anti-depressant drugs. This is the reason why many medical researchers are focusing on this herb in their pursuit to find the best cure for depression.
If you were scared to say that I have depression, you must be happy after learning that there are simple and easy natural remedies for the condition. Don't just sit there and wait for the depression to go away, take action and seek appropriate treatment.
Want to know more about how to cure your depression now? Click here for more effective depression solutions!
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Depression and Intelligence

Sometimes managing depression can be a difficult task, and it's easy for someone battling depression to let their fears get the best of them. This is an illness that can cause someone to feel very alone, and beating it is not nearly as simple as some people may think. For years there have been a lot of speculation about the correlation depression has to intelligence. There are several books on depression and extensive research studies performed on this topic. In this article I will discuss more in-depth information I have found related to this study.

Based on the information I have gathered it is more a correlation between depression and creativity than it is between intelligence and depression. Creative people have a heightened emotional connection to the people and things that surround them, some of the greatest works were created in the midst of deep emotional turmoil. Research has proven that creative people are at a higher risk for depression because of their elevated emotional abilities, there are books on depression that explain this more elaborately.

Some researchers believe that depression and emotional maturity are linked. As individuals who have the ability to confront emotional issues with knowledge and maturity are less likely to become depressed. For a long time depression was known as melancholia, and it is the most well-known psychiatric disorder that goes back to the beginning of psychiatry. Learning how to battle depression will be essential to understanding it including medication, exercise, and counseling if necessary. There are books on depression that can aid you throughout this process, you just have to keep an open mind.
Often times statistical data is used to carry out this research which makes the findings more reliable, the larger the sample the more accurate the results will be. Intelligent individuals have a more complex mind so their focuses are more intense, and more inclined to become overwhelmed. There are many treatment options for depression and in most cases these treatments require a minimum of six months. Depending on the severity of your condition medication may or may not be needed, but most of the time these medications are not addictive.

In my opinion there is definitely a link between depression and intelligence, however being intelligent doesn't guarantee that you will suffer from depression. I am extremely creative and with this gift there comes great blessings, but it definitely comes at cost. It is important to stay grounded in the things that matter most to you, it will make all the difference. The more you understand this illness, the greater the chance you have at fighting it. One of the best books on depression I have ever read was an E-Book, and I continue to use it as a reference.
If you would like to learn more about self help for depression and anxiety. Please visit Minnisha's website that has more detailed information about bestselling books on depression.
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Using Personal Strength to Overcome Depression

Because depressive states are considered serious illnesses, sufferers may need special attention to overcome the disease and regain their lives. In learning how to overcome depression, they will want to build an extensive support network of friends and relatives. Even during the days when they feel particularly down, they should try to engage in social activities with people who love them and care for them. In fact, interacting with others is one of the ways in which the worst of the depression symptoms can be lessened. Playing guitar, attending a sporting event, or having a picnic are all low-key activities that can help.

Physical exercise is perhaps one of the best tonics for mild to moderate depressive episodes. Because even just a bit of cardiovascular exercise can release feel-good hormones that will surge out of the brain, this is one way to elevate mood and improve outlook. Men and women who have never exercised much in their lives may find it hard to know where to start. If they fancy any particular activity and have wanted to try it for years, then they should commandeer a friend and start right away. Lovers of the outdoors can hike in the local woods at the first faint blush of dawn. Positive moods should soon follow.

Avoiding unnecessary stress is yet another way to prevent one's depression from spiraling out of control. For example, if individuals have been under undue financial strain for some time, they might want to procure some debt relief assistance. This will help them to improve their financial standing, and they will no longer remain awake at night endlessly replaying their economic problems within their own minds. If the downturn in their mood has been caused by the loss of a loved one, then they might attend counseling sessions. Reputable counselors can suggest specific techniques for avoiding negative thought patterns.

Lastly, medication can also help. Psychiatrists suggest that some people may be incapable of normal thinking without the benefit of certain medicines. These medications can reestablish proper brain chemistry, which will help pull people out of their negative states. As with most medicines, individuals should read the capsule sidebars carefully so that they can identify any potential side effects.
Because depression is a serious illness that can lead to severe mental impairment, sufferers should get help as soon as they can. With the assistance of loved ones, depressed men and women should receive professional care on a range of fronts. Social activity, exercise, and medication can all combat various symptoms of the disease.

The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).
Author writes about a variety of topics. If you would like to learn more about how to overcome depression and/or depression articles, visit
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Five Important Facts About Depression: The Silent Killer

Depression is one of the most common and wide spread mood disorders that exists nowadays. Everybody has experienced depression at some point in their lives for almost any one of a billion reasons. The toughest thing with depression is trying to combat it. Fortunately There's also many different ways which deal with depression and help you to get your life together.

One of the ways that will help you Manage your depression is go for a walk everyday outdoors. Many of the times depression is the consequence of chemical imbalance within the brain, enjoying a walk will increase the amounts of Serotonin and Endorphins within your body. Both Serotonin and Endorphins will let you manage your depression. And the best part is the effects will last for days.
In order to make it easier to manage depression, I advise you to try walking for 30 to 60 minutes per day, outside, as well as in the company of friends when you can. The combination of sunlight, human companionship, clean air, as well as the release of Endorphins and Serotonin will assist you to boost your mood and battle your depression. It doesn't have to be a fast paced walk, you are able to take it as slow as you want and as casually as you want. If you can't make 30 minutes a day simply walk up until you no longer feel comfortable, every little bit helps, and you will soon discover that even as little as 5 minutes a day, will help you to become stronger and build your stamina so you can go even longer.

To protect yourself from injuries be sure you have a good set of footwear and form fitting socks. If you don't you might develop a blister. If you do develop a blister don't pick it or pop it. Sterilize a needle or straight pin to make one small poke in the blister. Then give it time to drain out on it's own. You may wish to cover it with a bandage. Continue to wear the bandage over the blister whenever you walk for an additional several days to give the skin time to recover.

The important thing to this is to go for a walk every day. If you're unable to walk outside, visit the mall and walk around there, or even the grocery story, or the hardware store, anyplace where you can just walk for a couple minutes will help you manage depression.
I hope you found this post enjoyable and informative. For more information on how to beat depression, please visit The Stress Busters Blog!
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